Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hello?! Is there anyone there?


To say it has been a little while since my last post...well...that would be more than just a little understatement... Regardless, I'M BACK!!

I am not sure where this blog is going to go, exactly. I have high hopes and full intentions to post at least a couple times a week. The plan is to post videos and photos of my many craft plans and projects. It is high time that I start to try out all of those Pins that I have on my Pintrest boards.

Part of the reason for my sudden return? Frankly, I have a lot of really crazy stuff going on right now. Things that I didn't expect to have to deal with for at least another 15-20 years. My mother's health is not doing so well. It is something that we have been dealing with for 12 years or so but until recently, things were very much under control. Lately, her condition has progressed rapidly but I am happy to report that things seem to have stabilized a bit. However, her disease is progressive and she will continue to get worse over time. I am not trying to be a negative Nancy but I have come to accept what is so that I can maintain at least some of my sanity. My brother and I were raised by her as she struggled as single mother for nearly all of our lives. Now it is my turn to take care of her but in all honesty, I am still trying to figure out how to take care of myself and my young family. So, to help create a little balance, I need to have a creative outlet. That's where Return2Simple comes in...

Stay tuned...