Friday, December 27, 2013

It's That Time of Year
So, it seems as the dreaded tummy bug had struck our household. UGH! It started with the littlest member of the family, just before Christmas. What horrible timing! Poor little guy woke up very early on Christmas Eve and started "tossing his Christmas cookies" well into the day. We were all wondering if Santa would be able to make his scheduled delivery if we all fell asleep in the living room. Fortunately, the little guy's tummy calmed down enough for him to go to bed and Santa had a clear room to go about his business. Hopefully Santa didn't take any germs home to the North Pole!

All seemed good on Christmas morning! It was a Christmas Miracle! I was very grateful that I had thoroughly scrubbed my hands, at least a thousand times, while taking care of the little one (boy are my hands feeling it). I have a relatively weak tummy and thought for sure I was next.  However, the day went off without any more tummy issues...

Then, the next day....the big man came home from work early complaining of tummy pain. Uh oh! It seemed to effect him on the lower end, which is good, because after the day I had with the little one...  Anyway, this went on well into the night. In the morning, he seemed to feel like himself again (other than being tired from not getting very much sleep).

Now, I am sitting here, feeling an odd sensation in my tummy...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Good Time To Start

Now is as good a time as any to start over as a blogger. Although, I am not sure it is considered starting over, if I never really got started in the first place... Ah well, here I am and since this is the first post, it is a start!

The plan is to post as often as possible about all sorts of things! I want to post my experiences, recipes, craft project, family fun ideas, local deals and happenings, as well as anything else that is on my mind (when I find time to sit down to blog). So hold onto your hats, you never know what you may find!

It may also help you to know that I have a crazy habit of going of on a tangent...but don't worry, I'll make my point...eventually. A lot of what you read, my be tongue in cheek and a lot of it will be completely serious, it is up to you to decide which is which (have fun with that)! I like to use "!!!!" often, so you might just have to get used to that!!

This is going to be FUN!!!!!!!!!!
